#49 Honeycomb |
I've been sticking with mostly floral prints-- a few stars mixed in for good measure, and maybe even a cherry print. But for this one, how could I NOT use these honeybees?! I kind of love bees, beehives, honey, and everything about them. My little brother owns a beehive, and how cool is that?! So this block makes me happy.
#50 Honey's choice |
Isn't this nice? Pink and green. Yup. I guess I shouldn't feel bad that I don't have a lot to say about every single block.
#51 Hovering birds |
My sister-in-law saw some of my blocks when I was visiting her, and she was surprised at how small they were. I guess we never mentioned it, but these blocks are each only 6" square. I left my hand in this one, so it gives a bit of perspective. They're tiny.
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