Saturday, July 20, 2013

#82, 83, 84

#82 Spider Legs
This one is not my new favorite. I like the fabrics together, but I had thought they would turn out a little more 50/50, not so overpowered by the leaf print. And then there are about a gazillion pieces in this square, and it doesn't really look as cool as it should for the work that went into it. I give it a C+.
#83 Spider Web
This one gets an A, though. It's hard to go wrong with red and white, isn't it? They're matching fabrics-- the same design and same colors, just reversed. So I thought this was the perfect square for them. This one kind of makes me hungry for pizza, though.
#84 Spool
This one is simple and simply lovely. If I were going to make a whole quilt of spools, though, I'd definitely use this super cute pattern!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe after you take a seam around the spider legs block, it will seem more balanced. I like it.
    I also like the pizza block. ;-)
    I looked at the spools quilts on the link. It would really BUG me to have the spools offset like they're falling over. I like the ones that have them lined up, either touching each other or not. ;-)
